Get Started

Aqarios Luna is a platform designed to facilitate the application of quantum technologies, providing services that span the entire journey from formulating a use case to achieving a quantum-powered solution. Luna's primary focus is on solving complex optimization problems.

Many of the business challenges faced by companies today can be formulated as optimization problems, whether in supply chain management, portfolio optimization, or balancing demand and supply for electricity. However, a significant portion of our real-world optimization problems is so complex that they cannot be solved efficiently - or even not at all, using our current hardware, classical computers. This results in inefficient workflows and the huge untapped potential throughout our entire economy.

This is precisely where Quantum Computing will shine. The quantum leap in computing power and speed will empower businesses to efficiently tackle these optimization problems, leading to unparalleled advances in our economic future.

Luna enables businesses to harness quantum technology and solve the most complex business problems. While quantum computers hold tremendous potential, the complexity associated with developing, understanding, and applying the necessary quantum algorithms remains a major challenge for many stakeholders. Luna offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface for accessing quantum hardware and applying quantum algorithms. This eliminates the needs to delve into the mechanics behind quantum algorithms, instead focusing on solving problems and achieving solutions. At the same time, Luna offers full customization and flexibility for users with the necessary expertise who wish to explore further depths.


Access Luna

To acquire an account for accessing Luna, reach out to us directly through our website. You will receive access to the Luna package, along with instructions and guidance for installation and environment setup.

Initiate Luna session

To begin using Luna, import the package you've recently installed and initiate your session. This involves creating an object for your intended service and providing the necessary credentials for seamless access. In this example, we will work with the LunaSolve service.

# Load the luna package
from luna_sdk import LunaSolve

# Create an object from a Luna service (e.g. LunaSolve) and set your credentials
luna = LunaSolve(username="YOURUSERNAME", password="YOURPASSWORD")

Configure QPU token

If you wish to access the quantum hardware using your organization's tokens, you can instruct Luna to configure this token for you.

# Configure your token to access quantum hardware
from luna_sdk.schemas.enums.qpu_provider import QpuProviderEnum
from luna_sdk.schemas.qpu_token import QpuToken

qpu_token: QpuToken = luna.user.create_qpu_token(

You can visit our page on Quantum Hardware providers to find out more about the quantum hardware available through Luna and how to gain access.

What's next?

These steps cover all the essentials to start your journey with Luna. You are now ready to apply quantum computing to your use cases. Practical demonstrations can be found on our Tutorials page.

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