LunaQ is a dedicated quantum computing service within the Luna platform, providing seamless access to cutting-edge quantum hardware and enabling quantum engineers to run custom quantum programs through a single, unified interface. LunaQ supports a range of quantum systems, including superconducting circuits, neutral atoms, and trapped ions, and handles the complexities of integrating various frameworks and APIs. By automating backend compatibility and orchestration, LunaQ empowers users to focus on deploying quantum circuits efficiently for diverse applications, without the need to navigate multiple interfaces.

To get started with LunaQ, refer to the Get Started page for a step-by-step guide. Once you're ready, explore how LunaQ streamlines complex quantum execution, enhancing productivity and simplifying backend management:
Input: Start by providing quantum circuits in OpenQASM format, an industry-standard representation for quantum circuits, compatible with all major quantum programming languages, including Qiskit. This flexibility allows you to directly integrate your circuits into LunaQ’s environment with ease.
Processing: Our dispatcher service analyzes and translates your circuit, ensuring compatibility across all available quantum backends within LunaQ. This step removes the need for manual adaptations, allowing circuits to be seamlessly executed on multiple quantum systems.
Execution: LunaQ executes the circuit on the selected quantum backend, gathering and delivering results efficiently. This streamlined process enables quick access to output data, supporting immediate analysis and application.