VQE - Variational Quantum Eigensolver using Qiskit


The Variational Quantum Eigensolver (VQE) solves combinatorial optimization problems by approximating the solution:

For a given problem represented as a cost Hamiltonian we apply a classical/quantum hybrid algorithm to find the solution. The VQE solves the problem by iteratively applying a linear transformation (variational form) on the cost Hamiltonian and optimizing the parameters of the transformation using a classical optimizer.

For further information see [VQE Qiskit] (


use_qpu: bool

If True, the algorithm will run on the QPU. Default: False

backend_name: str

Defines backend simulator for the algorithm. To see, which backends are available, please check your ibm account. It usually starts with 'ibm_', e.g., 'ibm_osaka'. 'least_busy' is also allowed. In this case, the least busy solver will be used. Default: 'basic_simulator'

hub: str

The IBM Quantum hub. Default: 'ibm-q'

group: str

The IBM Quantum group. Default: 'open'

project: str

The IBM Quantum project. Default: 'main'

min_num_vars: int

Default: 1



  "use_qpu": false,
  "backend_name": "basic_simulator",
  "hub": "ibm-q",
  "group": "open",
  "project": "main"

QPU Provider


QAOA - Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm using Qiskit


The Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) solves combinatorial optimization problems by approximating the solution:

For a given problem represented as a cost Hamiltonian we formulate two unitary operators. The QAOA solves the problem by iteratively applying the two unitary operators on the cost Hamiltonian for a number of steps p. The angles for the unitary operators are iteratively updated by measuring the state after applying these (like in VQE).

For further information see QAOA Qiskit.


use_qpu: bool

If True, the algorithm will run on the QPU. Default: False

backend_name: str

Defines backend simulator for the algorithm. To see, which backends are available, please check your ibm account. It usually starts with 'ibm_', e.g., 'ibm_osaka'. 'least_busy' is also allowed. In this case, the least busy solver will be used. Default: 'basic_simulator'

hub: str

The IBM Quantum hub. Default: 'ibm-q'

group: str

The IBM Quantum group. Default: 'open'

project: str

The IBM Quantum project. Default: 'main'

min_num_vars: int

Default: 1



  "use_qpu": false,
  "backend_name": "basic_simulator",
  "hub": "ibm-q",
  "group": "open",
  "project": "main"

QPU Provider


RQAOA - Recursive Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm using Qiskit


The Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) solves combinatorial optimization problems by approximating the solution:

For a given problem represented as a cost Hamiltonian we formulate two unitary operators. The QAOA solves the problem by iteratively applying the two unitary operators on the cost Hamiltonian for a number of steps p. The angles for the unitary operators are iteratively updated by measuring the state after applying these (like in VQE).

The problem is solved in a recursive fashion.

For further information see QAOA Qiskit.


use_qpu: bool

If True, the algorithm will run on the QPU. Default: False

backend_name: str

Defines backend simulator for the algorithm. To see, which backends are available, please check your ibm account. It usually starts with 'ibm_', e.g., 'ibm_osaka'. 'least_busy' is also allowed. In this case, the least busy solver will be used. Default: 'basic_simulator'

hub: str

The IBM Quantum hub. Default: 'ibm-q'

group: str

The IBM Quantum group. Default: 'open'

project: str

The IBM Quantum project. Default: 'main'

min_num_vars: int

Default: 1



  "use_qpu": False,
  "backend_name": "basic_simulator",
  "hub": "ibm-q",
  "group": "open",
  "project": "main"

QPU Provider


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